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Join date: Jul 4, 2024


You can access the SSC CHSL Mock Test free of cost from the educational platform of Mockers and enhance your exam preparation level significantly. The test series is available in Hindi as well as in English to remove any language barriers and provide you with efficient study resources. Designed by a highly educated team of subject-matter experts, these mock tests align with the actual exam pattern in every aspect. You will get the same amount of questions, time limit, difficulty level, marking scheme, and question types. By attempting our comprehensive mock test series, you can maximize your chances of success in the Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination and secure your dream government job.

Naved Ahmed

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Club 80's Bar and Grill

9022 Pulsar Ct. Corona - CA

For info/band bookings/employment email us at:

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Special Day Event - 80s Day Dream Fest #5
Saturday March 1st @Club 80s in Corona
Doors Open Early at 12 Noon
4 Live Tribute Bands - Voted Best 80s Day Drinking Dance Party
Live Tribute Shows to
Depeche Mode / Duran Duran / INXS / O.M.D.

Presale Tickets Available Now at


The Set Presents -  Matterhorn Lodge

Matterhorn Lodge Returns! But this time, we’re crazier, funnier and drinkier than ever before

Brand New Insta worthy Cocktails: Indulge in our freshly crafted, mountain top delicious cocktails

New Roaming Characters & Performers: Meet our all-new cast of lodge characters and performers

Make your Reservation Now 
January 10th until March 29th
every Friday and Saturday 6pm-8pm-10pm

Matterhorn Lodge is Located inside a “Secret Room” at That 80s Bar in Montclair

-Click Here to make your Reservation Now-

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